Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting Zen with my sitch

Good Morning All!

It was a whirlwind weekend loaded with fun, food and love! 

We got our radiators back from the shop (more details and pics on that later).  What you need to know at the moment is that those babies stink to high heaven and the smell kept Dan and I up all night on Friday night.  Ugh.

Saturday was crisp and beautiful and saw me running around like a crazy woman getting ready for guests to arrive for the night from out of town.

I bought groceries, I bought a new toilet seat for the house and the amount of time it took for Dan to replace it was both frustrating and comical.  Nothing really ever goes as planned in our little abode.

I think if we anticipated what amount of time it was going to take and doubled it, we would be closer to reality.

Anyhoo, I made chili and it was so yummy.  I made homemade cornbread.  My friends ate with lots of mmmm sounds and that makes me very happy.

My home makes me very happy.  An in the midst of all the changes we've been experiencing I forgot that the friends I've grown to know and love in Lake Forest will still be my friends even after I make the eventual move to Evanston.  It is not an all or nothing thing.

Here's my ah ah for the day...

I get to have it all.  I get to be happy because I've worked very hard at achieving happiness and a level of serenity in my life.

I get to have a beautiful house and cook beautiful meals and enjoy every moment of it EVEN if it's just on the weekends.  And just because it's on the weekends doesn't mean that my experience or joy is cheapened for one moment.

So just for today I am grateful for all the gifts I have in my life and all the wonderful people who color it so brightly.

I wish the same joys for you.



P.S.  This week we move onto the demo pics and the pretty radiators!

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